onsdag 16. januar 2019

Moving Hass.io from Raspberry Pi to computer

Hass.io has started to slow down abit on the raspberry. Long boot-times too. So I decided to move the install to an Asus VivoPC that I haven't been using for a while, still a pretty small piece and running silent.

I just moved the files from config-directory and everything was working.

This is the steps I did:

First downloaded Ubuntu server iso-file. https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server

And Rufus to make a bootable USB. https://rufus.ie/

Installed Ubuntu server on the PC. Then SSH'd into it from my Computer and ran the script from Hasscasts by running this command: 
sudo curl  -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hasscasts/hass.io-01/master/install.sh | bash -

After that I moved the config files and everything is running smooth.

Youtubevideo showing the steps: